Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saddle Light Dish

Charlie the Cheetah and Larry the Leopard were sunning themselves on a big gray rock that rose up in the middle of the plain. They were surrounded by herds of zebra, gazelle, antelope, wilder beasts and rambling baboons.
“I’m telling you: it’s aliens.” Larry was saying.
“It’s not either aliens. It’s them wacky naked apes getting weird again.”
“It’s aliens.”
“No, it’s just naked apes. They put tranquilizer darts in their guns instead of bullets. Then they do nasty experiments on you and put annoying tags on your ear.”
“What about Skinny Albert? Disappeared for a while then came back with a tattoo he can’t remember getting and a yellow collar. He says ever since they always know where he is.”
“What’s yer point?” Charlie said stretching. “It’s them naked apes studying us again. They feel so guilty about it they got a story in their collective unconscious about creatures that do it to them. Those are the aliens.”
“What do you mean?”
“I saw this TV show where they get taken to a planet where chimps rule the world. The naked apes get experimented on--did you see it?”
“Apparently enough of them did to get that Hundredth Monkey thing going. It’s on cable all the time. They made like fifty of them shows.”
“No cable where I’m at.”
“We oughtta get a saddle light dish.”
“Yeah!” Larry said rolling over. “500 channels, and I bet one talks about aliens kidnapping wilder beasts and innocent lions.”
“It’s naked apes.”
“Jury’s still out.” Larry the Leopard said.
“It’s not aliens.”
“Maybe it’s naked apes and occasionally aliens.”
Long pause.
Charlie nodded pensively. “Okay, maybe...but...”
They never did decide.

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