Sunday, March 6, 2011

Aurthur And Looise

Loopey Looise was eating her vegetables one morning while waiting for her clothes to dry.
She was still in them.
She had gone for a pre-dawn swim in Lake Kaneer. Loopey Looise always ate all her vegetables no matter how long it took. Just before she finished Sir Wallace Aurthur Grey was knocking on the big door at the entrance to her tower.
“Aurthur, what brings you here so late in the evening?”
“Got any mushrooms?”
“What kind?”
“Big purple and yellow ones L. Looise. What do you mean what kind? The kind.”
“Oh,” she nodded knowingly, but said nothing.
“Well?” Wallace Grey said just a tad testily.
“The well is in the back, where it always is.” She said with a vague frown.
“No, no, no. The mushrooms. Do you have any?”
“What kind?”
Wallace Grey exhaled loudly. “Magic Mushrooms.”
“Of course.” By this time they were back in the breakfast room and Loopey Looise resumed munching on her cauliflower. She swallowed and then said “would you like some?”
More patiently than you might think he said, “Yes L. Looise, I would like some.”
“Then I’ll go get you some.” She reappeared a full three hours later with a huge bag of mushrooms, wild flowers and red tree bark.
Wallace Grey had fallen asleep in the comfy chair by the bay window in her study. He opened one eye when she came in.
Her white flowing sundress was now wet again and the thing stuck to her like only wet cloth can. For the first time Wallace A. Grey noted that she was all woman, shapely too.
“Here,” she said dumping a good 15 or 20 pounds in front of him.
“I thought you might just have had some in a jar or something. Where the heck did you go?” Wallace Grey stretched his arms and began grooming his tail.
“To where the mushrooms are.”
“I could have gone myself, but I obviously didn’t know where they grow.”
“Arthur? Are you admitting that you didn’t know something?”
Wallace Grey rolled his eyes. “There are two kinds of knowledge: that from within and that from without. Information on where mushrooms grow can be deduced, but isn’t it easier to just go ask some one who already knows.”
“Like me?” Loopey Looise was blushing.
“Like you.”
“Let’s gobble these up and then go visit the Lion Heart on the beach at the edge of the world!”
“That wasn’t exactly my plan...But why not? I rarely get to spend much time with you or him lately. Perhaps we can all three be together.”
It wasn’t long before they were dancing in the sand on the beach at the edge of the world.

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