Sunday, March 13, 2011


Max was a fierce wolf, in fact just about everybody called him Max the fiercesome. Max the fiercesome spent his days hunting and his nights charting the stars. When the moon was full he howled at it until it went away so he could continue his work charting the stars.
Max (the fiercesome) liked to eat dogs, but dogs usually ran in PAC’s because they often had special interests and therefore lobbied the government.
These dog PAC’s were dangerous because Max, though fiercesome, was one of them loner wolves. Not the kind you borrow when your wolf is getting fixed, which by the way is a terrible thing to do to your wolf, but the kind that spent time all alone.
Max having spent quite a bit of time alone had become quite comfortable with his own fierceness. He even contemplated it on occasion, mostly while chewing the bones of his prey after a big meal.
“Yes, yes: I am quite the fierce wolf.” He’d think to himself, picking his teeth with a bone splinter. “But I’m seldom hungry.”
He used to keep his star charts in a box under his bed with his telescope, but one day he caught Jhonny-Two-Paw trying to pick the lock. Jhonny-Two-Paw was a ferret. He died that same day.
Nobody but his mother missed him and even her not for a very long while after.
After eating Jhonny-Two-Paw, Max got a safe deposit box in an old pine tree up there at Forest Bank. He told Sammy wood chuck to be careful with his star charts or he’d get eaten too.
Sammy couldn’t have been more careful, and pretended that he didn’t mind Max showing up in the middle of the night when there was no moon.
Sammy got to the point where he fell asleep easily when Max was howling at the moon because he knew that Max wouldn’t be needing his box of star charts.
All that howling put Sammy right to sleep.

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