Sunday, March 6, 2011

Foo Ling Unscrambled

Foo Ling came running down the beach at the edge of the world and you could tell by the way he was running that he had just invented something he thought was cool.
The Lion Heart, Bob, Mad Max, that guy named George, Sir Frederick Black and that certain witch he was so found of, were all there on the beach toasting marsh-mellows, making smores and drinking really bad coffee out of a big pump thermos that George had brought with him from Roscoe’s Half Way Cafe.
They saw him coming a long way off.
He ran up panting.
“Good to see you, Foo Ling,” the Lion Heart said.
“Yes, it’s been such a long time since we’ve seen you here,” said Bob the grand mage.
“Well, it’s different for me. I have to meditate really hard,” said Foo Ling.
“How do you meditate hard?” George asked.
Foo Ling stopped to consider this and immediately began to fade away. Bob the grand mage reached out and grabbed him quick as he could, which was quicker than you or I could have done it; Bob was after all a grand mage (and no slouch either). Foo Ling stabilized and nodded his thanks.
“What is this outlandish looking contraption?” that certain witch asked.
“It’s my latest invention...”
There was an awkward silence as they all waited for him to go on.
“What is it?” Sir Frederick Black rarely missed a cue.
“An Egg Un-scrambler.” Foo Ling said with obvious pride.
“You actually built a machine for unscrambling eggs? I think you got something there!” Mad Max said. “I always have to throw a limited space time reversal spell. But now you got this thing: I’ll take one.”
“What the heck are you going to do with it?” she said undaunted by the elbow to the ribs Bob gave her.
“Do you have any idea how many chefs would give their eye teeth for this thing?” Foo Ling replied unperturbed.
“Make us all one.” Bob said. “Can it put it back in the shell too?”
Foo Ling gave him a hurt look. “Still working on that part,” he mumbled under his breath.
“Well, there went all the bird sales.” Sir Frederick Black said, but he said it good-naturedly.
“How `bout a nice cuppa coffee?” George asked.
A really long time ago there was a certain province in China where you could get unscrambled eggs of every description plus a couple more. Then they came up with egg drop soup and demand really fell off. Foo Ling never really marketed his inventions for too long because he was always coming up with something new; so his inventions didn’t spread as far and wide as you’d first think without somebody pushing it.
It’s too bad too, `cause just think where we’d be today if his silicon based personal computing device would have caught on back then.

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