Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gongga Shan

Gongga Shan (if it’s still called that) is a very tall mountain. You can’t miss it: 24,900 feet tall snow capped all year round. Very pretty to look at from any direction.
After the 12,000 foot mark it gets a little sparse when it comes to vegetation, but under certain rocks there are bugs. Bugs so teeny tiny they never visit the other bugs that live under other rocks--at least not any more. In fact it’s been so long since the bugs have visited each other their great-grand children are debating whether there are other bugs under other rocks. Some bugs are positive there aren’t and of course some bugs are positive that there are.
It’s really quite ridiculous if you think about it.
One day Willy, a very adventurous little (and I do mean little) bug set off to settle the debate. He never returned because he fell in love with Wanda and Vicki two bugs he met under the very next rock he came to. They both loved him back and because of their wacky culture had no problem sharing Willy (in)between them.
Willy, as you may guess, had not the slightest proclivity for travel after this. He died an old and happy bug with over 43,009 grand children none of whom ever argued about whether or not there was life under other rocks.
If ever you get the chance, climb up Gongga Shan and say hello to the little tiny bugs that live under the rocks up above 12,000 feet. Chances are they’ll be related to Willy because unlike Willy in his later years, most of his grand children did get out from under their particular rocks...

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