Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chucky The Lion.

The lion named Chucky lived not in the Savannah, nor the jungle but far north in the dark forest. All who knew him feared his roar.
Chucky practiced roaring seven hours every day except Saturdays when he only roared for an hour and slept a lot.
Such a large amount of roaring used to attract brave peasants who thought they would slay the great roaring lion of the dark forest. They thought this would somehow bring them fame and fortune, besides it really was quite a racket seven hours every day except Saturdays. Chucky was fierce though and ate every single peasant who came to slay him, as well as those that came in groups (usually no larger than three). Generally he used their arrows as tooth picks as these were poor peasants and rather sinewy and the sinew would always get stuck in his teeth.
Chucky the lion wasn’t just great and fierce. Chucky was a clever lion. He could be sneaky too.
Finally the peasants got together on this one and summoned a brave knight to slay the great roaring lion of the dark forest. They knew that left to his own devices, Chucky would never have bothered to come all the way down to the place where there were peasants just so he could eat them, but by now it was a matter of principle.
The poor brave knight was lion food the minute they talked him into it and he said yes.
Chucky just spooked the horse and the knight fall down go boom.
You can’t blame the horse really. Chucky was up wind and well hidden. The horse wasn’t even two feet away when Chucky let out one of his most well practiced ferocious scary roars.
As you well know Chucky had the practice.
If it would have been possible the horse would have jumped out of his skin. He took off just under light speed. You would too if you were casually walking along and before you knew it there was a lion right next to you roaring.
Chucky being a clever lion carefully removed the knight’s helmet so as not to chip a tooth. He found well-fed, over-stuffed, pompous knights much to his liking as compared to peasant. After that, nary a peasant or any one else for that matter, bothered the great roaring lion of the dark forest.

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