Thursday, January 27, 2011

Matthew and Cerise

Mattidawane and Natasha Cerise whom everybody called Sharesse where in the commissary having lunch. The last time they had seen each other they had slept together but as was common parlance “nothing happened”. Well, nothing physical but something definitely happened.
“No. I mean it, I could use your help with this,” Sharesse was talking about her chemistry class.
“I mean it too. I want you to come up but I'm not that interested in helping you with your chemistry...exactly.” He trailed off and she blushed a little.
She was one of those girls that was beautiful without trying, and when she tried she was stunning. She had tried a little today because she knew she was meeting him for lunch.
“Okay, maybe I could come up later and you could help me with my chemistry first and then we could uh, do some other...uh, stuff...after.”
He couldn't help but smile, actually he beamed. One thing he did have was a winning smile, he smiled with his whole face and a lot of his body too.
She had never really noticed before. She also had a winning smile, people had told her so but his was somehow “bigger.”
They ate in silence for a moment. “I have lab till late,” she said.
“Okay, so like 7 or something?”
“Maybe a little earlier, I meant like 4:30...which isn't late but it's late for me: my classes all end by 2 except for that lab...”
“But that sounds great...” She smiled at him. “Around seven.”
For Mattidawane the next eight hours passed like eight long eternities, each one longer than the last. He thought about relativity and how much he could get done because he would read and study and look at the clock, no matter how much he read or studied it seemed no time had gone by at all. “I could read War and Peace, this afternoon,” he chuckled to himself.
At 6:43 she appeared at his open door.
They actually studied chemistry for a solid 173 minutes, the nerd in him came out and he lost all track of time, because it was chemistry, but it was her chemistry. Turned out they had chemistry too. They did other stuff, and this time he was well prepared. He even had a well illustrated Kama Sutra by the head of the bed where she could see it. She found this quite amusing and endearing.
After that they were quite the item.
Years passed. Graduation: she was going to study at one university, he at another. The day she left he kept a bold composure and very few tears were shed on his part, but there was lots of long wet hugging. But when she was gone his sat down in his room and cried. They kept in touch. This was before email and texting. The phone bills were sometimes cumbersome. After a year he couldn't stand it anymore and he had a feeling if he didn't do something she would, only he wouldn't like it.
So he got in his car and drove to her house. She saw the car pull up but didn't know who it was. When he got out and gave her that smile of his she cried like a little girl and so did he.
And that was that.
They have kids now and the rest of it is actually kind of boring. I just told you the interesting parts.
It was a nice wedding.
A boy and two girls.

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