Saturday, January 8, 2011

In Which We Meet Don-Riki

Don-Riki was a very clever mongoose, an adventurer of the highest degree. Because he usually goes alone, he seldom comes into our tales. Even the Lion Heart would be hard pressed to find him when Don-Riki set out on one of his really grand adventures. He would come back telling tales no one could believe and smoking something rare and expensive like Mongolian Sheep Tobacco.
“Made by actual Mongolian Sheep,” Don-Riki would say puffing sagely.
Don-Riki also was of that select group who call themselves warriors, mostly by nature not exactly through training. He would usually battle snakes for their treasure: eggs.
Don-Riki had the grandest collection of eggshells you have ever seen. He knew how to put the tiniest of tiny holes in the shell, then suck out the insides and then (most of the time) he put the piece back so you could barely tell there was a hole there. His collection was the rival of any that had ever been. The Smithsonian had maybe about a third as many eggs as Don-Riki did.
Needless to say he was quite proud of it, but I said it anyway.
He was known in some circles as a sly mongoose; a shady character to be avoided.
Lady mongooses loved and hated him in turns...or sometimes at the same time.
Snakes feared and despised him, his very name bringing hisses of disdain. They hated him because they couldn’t defeat him. To add to the insult, he also took their eggs...after eating his fallen enemy.
In back alleys and dive bars Don-Riki made deals for eggs that he couldn’t get himself. These were usually from dinosaurs and extinct birds with crazy names.
Don-Riki would laugh and chuckle to himself after procuring an especially rare specimen. During those times Don-Riki was most enjoyable to be around.
Don-Riki had found that ‘one thing’ and was rich beyond measure of money because of it.
Most aren’t because most never do.

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