Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Leopards, and Cheetahs, and Zeros.

Larry the leopard and Charlie the cheetah were deep in a philosophical discussion about the concept of zero and other un-imaginable things, when a most unlucky Wanker Beast stumbled upon them.
“Lunch!” Larry exclaimed.
“Yikes!” said the Wanker Beast, but it was way, way too late.
Everybody took off running, but the cheetah is the fastest land mammal on earth, not the wanker beast. Larry wasn’t exactly a slow poke and got there about point five seconds after Charlie had bit in. It was over for the Wanker Beast in no time.
They dined casually, with only the occasional argument over choice morsels.
“Hey, I wanted that thigh,” Larry said.
“You got the liver,
“Pass the salt,”
“Sometime we gotta go out for curry,” and so on.
Larry rolled over on his back when he had finished eating, crossed his legs and started picking his teeth with a stalk of grass.
“Anyhow, where were we?”
“Zero is nothing and you can’t prove nothing exists...”
“Ah yes, but you can deduce it from the absence of something--”

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