Saturday, January 15, 2011

In Which We Meet Yet Another "Mad Max."

Mad Max was a wizard. J. Maximillian Copricus Jordashcium Arillius Rexter, was his full name. Even Mad Max had forgotten what the J stood for, and nobody knew Mad Max well enough to know his full name.
Max was older than dirt. No kidding if you asked Max what it was like before dirt he could tell you. He could also tell you how to cast just about any spell you can think of, and quite a few you’d never have thought of on your own, like “Congeniality With Ducks.”
Max delighted in playing musical instruments especially drums. He couldn’t sing worth a damn but that never stopped him.
He lived on the bad side of town in a run down town house that couldn’t have been more than 20’ x 30’ on the outside but due to a clever (and permanent) extra dimensional space spell he had a mansion on the inside with more rooms than you could count. You could get lost in there. Max often did. If you didn’t get lost, and you found your way to the lab you could catch Mad Max doing his wizard thing. Max would usually be cooking up some potion or another or beating on his drum set...sometimes both.
Mad Max had wild white hair and in his natural non-magically enhanced state stood 5’1” tall. This didn’t stop him from getting curvy babes though.
Once in a great while he’d go visit the Lion Heart on the beach at the edge of the world. They’d discuss things so totally foreign to you and me that I won’t even bother trying to write them down. On rare occasions they’d dance and party with Max on drums and the Lion Heart dancing, if there were females there they were so beautiful tears would come to the eyes of mere mortals.
Max was up late one night when he heard a knock on the door. It was Sir Frederick Black. “I’ve got bad news,” he said.
“When do you ever have good news?”
“I want you to cast a spell on me,” Sir Frederick Black was much more aware of the incredible jeopardy he was placing himself in than you are. You see, Mad Max was quite insane most of the time and even in his more lucid moments his spells could go far awry.
Mad Max laughed for all reply. “A certain witch has cast a spell on you that has made you lose both your head and your heart.” He laughed so hard he started to choke. When he gained just a little control he said “She is a most evil witch and would suck out your soul or cut out your heart if you tried to live with her for more than a day. I’ll not cast any spell on you, you stupid bird. Fly away before I make you drink my coffee.”
“I’ll have a cup.”
Max laughed ‘till he cried.
They drank coffee and spoke of mundane things like life and love. Sir Frederick Black resigned himself to waiting for someone sane to figure out how to grant his wish.
It was a long time coming.

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