Sunday, February 27, 2011


Matthew Dwayne or Mattidawane as his close friends called him was a nerd of the highest order. This kind that got A's in everything without even trying. Now that he was in college he took lots of courses just to see what was interesting to him. Chemistry and Physics were of course part of his studies but so was Sociology, Macro Biology and cooking…he also enjoyed language especially English.
He was handsome after a fashion, or perhaps before it, and although you wouldn't call him especially masculine, he certainly wasn't effeminate and liked some sports although he didn't excel at them.
He wasn't terribly socially challenged but he was shy. He didn't have much interest in women and oddly, they didn't have much interest in him. Actually, it wan't so much that he wasn't interested in women or sex he was just much more interested in academics. He lived in the dorms where his room opened onto a common large lounge with twenty other students in a high rise dorm where having your own room and no roommate was a considerable luxury tempered by a pair of common baths. This dorm was co-ed, and once in a while the lounge had a party. He had learned not to try and hide in his room on such occasions, his fellows and fellowettes were merciless.
Several floors were in attendance so there were over 100 people packed into the lounge.
He somehow managed to be right next to a tall beautiful black woman, an exchange student with dark perfect skin and white, white teeth and sparkling eyes. He was fascinated and peppered her with questions which she answered politely but she spoke Swahili and he didn't understand that though her pronunciation was perfect her vocabulary was still limited so her answers in English were short. Had they been speaking Swahili her answers would have been much longer.
One of her friends was also a friend of Mattidawane, had known him since high school and was actually becoming slightly jealous because in all the time she had known him he never had spoken this many words to her. She did a fine job of pretending not to care and indeed: nobody noticed. She did noticeably have a few too many beers; after a while she slipped into Mattidawane's room, lay down in his bed and fell asleep.
Mattidawane came in quite late and quite ready for bed as he had had a few too many while talking to the exchange student. His interest made time pass quickly and people just kept handing him red plastic cups of keg beer every time his cup got empty. It was for a change good beer on account of the cheerleaders who had gone to the local beer distributor to get it.
Mattidawane was quite surprised to find a co-ed in an oversized teeshirt bra and underwear asleep in his bed. He stood there in his underwear for a moment pondering, then got a pair of gym shorts put them on and plopped down in bed beside her.
She didn't wake up but grabbed him gently and pulled him close when she felt a body next to her, it was more of a cuddle than an advance. Mattidawane could tell she really was still asleep so he tried to go to sleep too, except her leg on him and breath on is neck made this difficult and it wasn't long before he became aware that quite against his will he had “a hard on.” He actually found this amusing. He lay there and thought about physiology, which led his mind to chemistry and before he knew it he was working on a chemistry problem in his head and the blood subsided and he began to drift off to sleep.
About that time she shifted position and now she was breathing in his ear. And then suddenly he knew she wasn't asleep because she was chewing on his earlobe. And then he had what college kids commonly call a DCH which is short for diamond cutting hard on, really, he probably could have cut a diamond with it.
He let her chew on his ear. He found he liked it very much and he noted he was completely unable to concentrate on chemistry or much else. But he was ill prepared, (read did not have a condom), and was about to tell her they should probably put this off until later, though he was quite interested and this whole other spiel he parsed together quickly in his head. He turned to tell her so, but his mouth found hers and things went from bad to worse or from good to really, really good depending on your point of view. It was a lot of heavy breathing and writhing and tenderness for a good hour...but he managed to keep his wits about him just barely and they ended up sleeping together without “doing the deed.”
They talked and kissed and bit and cuddled and fell asleep. In the morning it wasn't awkward, and in that moment she knew or she should have.

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